Response Type
An element of type vct:ResponseType has the following constituents:
Name | Type/occurrence | Description |
vct:BuyersID | udt:IdentifierType | Buyer's ID, e.g. customer number. |
vct:ResponseCode | Indication of whether or not the operation was successful, and any reasons for errors. | |
vct:ResponseMessage | xsd:string? | Optional success or error message in plain text.. |
vct:SellersID | udt:IdentifierType? | Seller ID, required only if the server is operated for multiple sellers. |
vct:TransactionID | xsd:normalizedString? | Transaction instance identifier. |
vct:StatusCode | If the operation is performed within a transaction: State of the transaction after the operation. | |
vct:IsTest | xsd:boolean? | Indicator as to whether the operation was performed purely as a test (test operation) |
Defined as a constraint of vct:ResponseType is vct:TransactionResponseType; the constraint dictating that the elements vct:TransactionID and vct:StatusCode must be used. The type vct:StatusCodeType is a constraint of type xsd:integer on numbers 1 to 199. The type vct:ResponseCodeType is a constraint of type xsd:positiveInteger on the following list of numbers:
200 Operation was performed successfully.
400 General error in the request. To be used if no operation can be performed due to the request, and the error cannot be subsumed among one of the cases mentioned further below.
404 Request is not supported, i.e. it complies with the specification but involves an optional operation which this server does not implement.
405 Erroneous request: Request is not the serialization of an XML document which corresponds to the Veloconnect XML schema.
406 Erroneous request: Request is the serialization of an XML document which corresponds to an obsolete version of the Veloconnect-specification (refer to future versions).
410 The specified BuyersID is unknown.
411 Authentication failed (BuyersID or password incorrect).
415 The specified SellersID is unknown (obsolete).
420 The specified TransactionID is unknown, i.e. the transaction instance specified in the request does not exist on the server.
421 The server cannot create any more transaction instances for this request.
430 The requested operation is not applicable in the transaction instance's current state.
435 The value of the IsTest element is not allowed in the transaction's current state (refer to Test operation).
500 An internal error has occurred, preventing the server from performing the operation.
Rule: ResponseCode (client)
In the case of each response, the client must evaluate the ResponseCode. Only with ResponseCode 200 can a response be further processed in the client. Otherwise, the response must not be processed and the user must be informed of the error. If ResponseMessage is not empty, its content must be conveyed to the user. If ResponseMessage is empty, the client can make use of a generic error message based, for example, on the earlier descriptions of the ResponseCode values.