Create order (Transaction: Order, Operation: CreateOrder)

Create order (Transaction: Order, Operation: CreateOrder)

The buyer creates a new order. For this, the following data of media type application/xml are transmitted to the address https://b2b.beispielserver.com/ via the POST method of the http protocol:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> <CreateOrderRequest xmlns="urn:veloconnect:order-1.1" xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-1.0" xmlns:cac="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-1.0" xmlns:vct="urn:veloconnect:transaction-1.0"> <vct:BuyersID>B127645</vct:BuyersID> <vct:Credential><vct:Password>secret</vct:Password></vct:Credential> <OrderRequestLine> <cac:SellersItemIdentification> <cac:ID>42213526300</cac:ID> </cac:SellersItemIdentification> <cbc:Quantity quantityUnitCode="EA">500</cbc:Quantity> </OrderRequestLine> <OrderRequestLine> <cac:SellersItemIdentification> <cac:ID>42038057500</cac:ID> </cac:SellersItemIdentification> <cbc:Quantity quantityUnitCode="EA">20</cbc:Quantity> <cac:BuyersItemIdentification> <cac:ID>7290</cac:ID> </cac:BuyersItemIdentification> </OrderRequestLine> <OrderRequestLine> <cac:SellersItemIdentification> <cac:ID>52090311600</cac:ID> </cac:SellersItemIdentification> <cbc:Quantity quantityUnitCode="MTR">100</cbc:Quantity> <cac:BuyersItemIdentification> <cac:ID>7295</cac:ID> </cac:BuyersItemIdentification> </OrderRequestLine> </CreateOrderRequest>

Alternatively, the following URL can be invoked for this purpose:


Or the following data of media type application/x-www-form-urlencoded can be transmitted to the address https://b2b.beispielserver.com/ via the POST method of the http protocol:



The server's response can appear as follows, for example:

The following is evident here:

  • The created transaction instance has TransactionID order-1.

  • The transaction is in state 2 (updated).

  • Every item is sold in a package of a certain size; spokes in 100 units each, inner brake cables in 10 units each, and outer brake jackets in rolls of 30 meters each.

  • In the case of the outer brake jackets , the order quantity has been rounded up from 100 metres to 4 rolls, i.e. 120 metres. For the other two items, the order quantities have been converted to the corresponding number of packages without modification.

  • Only two rolls of outer brake jacket are available; it is advisable to order the black instead of the grey outer brake jacket shell.

  • The staggered prices and recommended sales prices partly do not refer to the unit in which the order quantity is specified.

  • The vendor's system returns the transferred, internal item numbers of the buyer.

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