Operation: GetClassificationScheme

Operation: GetClassificationScheme

It is common practice to assign items to product groups in order to structure the assortment. Some vendors grant quantity discounts in a form necessitating a grouping of items to determine the discount. Assignment to groups can be understood generically as a classification of items according to a scheme. The GetClassificationScheme operation can be used to communicate employed classification schemes.

The GetClassificationScheme operation consists of a vcc:GetClassificationSchemeRequest of vct:RequestType. The server responds to it with vcc:GetClassificationSchemeResponse of vct:ResponseType, extended by a non-empty sequence of vcc: ClassificationScheme elements.

 The element vcc:ClassificationScheme has the singleMapping attribute which is set to true by default, and consists of the element vcc:ClassificationSchemeID of type udt:IdentifierType, followed by vcc:ClassificationSchemeURI of type xsd:anyURI or a non-empty list of elements vcc:ClassificationSchemeGroup.

The element vcc:ClassificationSchemeGroup comprises the following elements:









Unique identification of the group within a scheme.



Reference to parent group in hierarchical group structure.



Group description.

Note: It is possible to classify the assortment in different ways and for different purposes. Classification into product groups is only one possible use case for the generic classification mechanism.

Rule: ClassificationScheme

  • A Veloconnect-compliant server must communicate all employed classification schemes via the GetClassificationScheme operation. References to a specific group of a classification scheme consist of the IDs of the scheme and the group.

  • If the singleMapping attribute of a classification scheme has the value true, at most one group of this scheme must be associable to each item.

  • Classification schemes must be distinguishable in terms of those which are either proprietary and only valid for particular suppliers, or those which are standardized, i.e. public and supplier-independent. In the case of a proprietary scheme, the server communicates the related groups via vcc:ClassificationSchemeGroup elements. In the case of a standardized scheme, the group structure is communicated via a URL which makes it possible to obtain the necessary information about the groups of this scheme.

Because the bicycle sector presently appears to lack practical, commonly employed, standard classification schemes, a use of such schemes with Veloconnect applications will remain just hypothetical until further notice.


There is now a sector-specific product group key: BIDEX
This product group key is used as follows:

  • The text BIDEX is used as the ClassificationSchemeID.

    Used for this ClassificationSchemeID in ClassificationSchemeResponse instead of the ClassificationSchemeGroupMember elements is the ClassificationSchemeURI element with the content http://veloconnect.bidex.bike/GetClassificationScheme. This URL supplies the groups of the BIDEX product key as ClassificationSchemeResponse.

  • As part of other languages, the appropriate ClassificationSchemeURI from the following list is used.

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