Operation: OfferQuery
The element vcr:OfferQueryRequest extends vct:RequestType with the following elements:
Name | Type/occurrence | Description |
vcr:RequestReference | xsd:normalizedString? | Trader's reference (number). |
vcr:RequestDate | cbc:DateType? | Date of the trader's request for an offer. |
vcr:DateRange | vcr:DateRangeType? | Date range for searching offers. |
Rules: Request
The client's query can involve a specific request identifiable by means of the RequestReference and/or RequestDate elements. The RequestReference search parameter in the RequestReference field is sought as full text.
RequestReference can be used to select groups of offers provided by the supplier. This allows querying, for example, of all the current season's offers via a corresponding reference designation (e.g. SEASONAL OFFERS). These special references can be communicated in the
vcp:SpecialRequestReference elements via the profile.
The client's query can also refer to offers without a request reference. Optional filtering is possible on the client side by specifying a start and/or end date.
The vcr:OfferQueryResponse element extends vct:ResponseType with the optional DateRange element and a list of vcr:OfferHeader elements. vcr:OfferHeader consists of the following elements:
Name | Type/occurrence | Description |
vcr:OfferID | xsd:normalizedString | Document number of the offer by the supplier. |
cbc:IssueDate | cbc:DateType | Document data of the offer. |
vcr:RequestReference | xsd:normalizedString? | Trader's reference (number). |
vcr:RequestDate | cbc:DateType? | Date of the trader's request for an offer. |
vcr:ValidRange | vcr:DateRangeType? | Offer's range of validity. |
vcr:Description | xsd:normalizedString? | Free text description. |
Rules: Response
Specification of the offer's duration of validity is optional.
It should be possible to distinguish multiple offers with the same reference (number) (vcr:RequestReference) via the vcr:Description field.