Instances of articles and serial numbers

Instances of articles and serial numbers

The vcr:ItemInstance element is used to convey data on a specific instance of the delivered article, and comprises a sequence of the SerialID elements for communicating serial numbers. No distinction is made between serial numbers which uniquely identify an article instance, e.g. a frame number for a frame, and serial numbers which uniquely identify only certain characteristics of an object, e.g. a key number which uniquely identifies only a key's closure, but not the individual key.

The SerialID element extends xsd:normalizedString with the following attributes:









Type of serial number.



Descriptive text.

The serial number is then the content of this element.

The related attribute of type vcr:SerialIDKindType serves to distinguish between the following types of serial number:

  • FrameNumber:
    The frame number is an alphanumeric code indicated via engraving or a label on the frame, often near the pedal bearing or control head. Due to existent redundancies, the frame number is not recommended as a unique identifier..

  • SerialNumber:
    The entire vehicle's specific serial number. It is often indicated on the frame by the manufacturer via a label, and normally allows at least manufacturer-specific unique assignment.

  • SerialNumberDisplay:
    A serial number near the pedelecs and S-pedelecs for the installed display (usually on the handlebars).

  • SerialNumberBattery:
    Serial number of batteries in the case of electric vehicles. For vehicles with more than 1 battery, corresponding identification is needed in the 'Description' element of ItemInstanceElement (e.g. "battery bottom tube" / "battery top tube" or also "battery 1" / "battery 2").

  • KeyNumberFrameLock:
    Key number for locks firmly mounted on the frame.

  • KeyNumberBattery:
    Key number used to identify locks for batteries and battery holders in the case of electric vehicles.

  • SerialNumberMotor:
    Motor's serial number in the case of electric vehicles.

  • SerialNumberGearHub:
    Serial number of gear hub.

  • Other:
    For further serial numbers not related to the parameters above. The type of identification involved here is to be precisely defined in the description.

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